80th Anniversary of D DAY Beacon and Fish and Chips Day

Please click on the following link for more details on the D DAY 80th Anniversary for SWAN

D DAY poster

The Beacon will be lit at 9:15pm at Gas House Fields Allotments.

There is a small exhibition at the SWAN Centre with the full guide to the Kings Pageant Master Beacon preparations.

Rescue Hoads Wood Petition and Letter from Bethersden Parish Council

You may be aware that Hoad’s Wood, a Site of Special Scientific Interest in Bethersden Parish Council, is currently facing a severe environmental crisis due to industrial-scale illegal waste dumping. At least 4 acres by over 12 feet deep of this vibrant woodland, cherished for its biodiversity and natural beauty, has been transformed into a wasteland, significantly impacting the local ecosystem and community well-being.  This all happened despite repeated reports by the local community since July 2023 to local authorities and the existing legal protection afforded to the site under its SSSI status.


We have recently addressed this pressing issue in a statement I presented at the most recent Bethersden Parish Council Meeting on 14 February, emphasising the urgent need for action and community support.  See attached for details.  As a result of the meeting, Bethersden PC is hosting a meeting at our request with Damian as neutral chair and Ashford BC, KCC, the Environment Agency, Natural England and Kent Police on 15 March 2024 to determine what steps are being taken for an immediate clear up and lessons learned to avoid repeats. However, it appears that none of the agencies have the budget to clear the waste they allowed to be dumped due to their inaction.  The EA has also indicated that possibility of prosecutions is remote, suggesting that the processed waste that should have been sent to landfill will not be cleared!


We have therefore launched a dedicated campaign website, Rescue Hoad’s Wood, which outlines the extent of the damage and serves as a platform for concerned individuals to sign a petition demanding immediate cleanup efforts. We believe that with the collective support of neighboring communities and councils, we can amplify our call for action and ensure that the necessary steps are taken to restore Hoad’s Wood to its natural state.  We have also posted a link to this on the NextDoor app here.


We kindly ask for your Parish Council’s support in this matter, whether it be through promoting the campaign within your community, encouraging residents to sign the petition, or any other means of support you can offer. Together, we can make a significant impact and help preserve this important natural habitat for future generations.

Letter to residents regarding Precept for 2024 2025

Letter to residents

SGN Road Closures February 2024 onwards

Please read the attached Public Notice which confirms the Road Closure Notices for South Willesborough through February 2024 onwards to allow for the continued Gas Mains Replacements.

Public Notice – Various Roads, South Willesborough

Household Waste Collections over the Christmas Period

Storm Ciarán UK Power Networks

storm notice UK Power Networks


I am writing regarding our preparations for Storm Ciarán, which will come to the UK on Thursday 2nd November.


As you may be aware, UK Power Networks manages the local power lines and substations which distribute electricity to over 8.5m homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.


Storm Ciarán will bring with it strong winds and rain, and an amber alert has been issued by the Met Office.


Our electricity network is built to be resilient but strong winds and heavy rain can bring down branches and trees, damaging overhead power lines. Where this happens we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.


We have organised for additional staff in our contact centre and more engineers on the ground, particularly for Storm Ciarán, to be available to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather.


Both you and your constituents will be able to find regular updates and information about individual power cuts on our website www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk . We will also be posting general updates on @UKPowerNetworks .


Anyone experiencing a power cut should:

  • Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk to view our live power cut map, with details of individual power cuts or to report a power cut
  • Call 105 free of charge to report damage to the network or speak with our customer service team
  • Tweet @UKPowerNetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates


We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.


We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with people of pensionable age, those with a health condition, have children under five living with them, or someone in the household who uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity, as well as those who may be in vulnerable circumstances during a power cut, can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: ukpowernetworks.co.uk/priority .


If you would like to share information with your residents about preparing for the storm or registering for the Priority Service Register, you might like to share the following on Twitter or to your local Facebook pages:


As a result of #StormCiarán, heavy rain and high winds are due to arrive on Thurs 2 November. @UKPowerNetworks has extra field engineers and call centre staff on hand to support any customers affected. Visit www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk or call 105 for any issues regarding your electricity supply #ukpnnews


If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Hire of Public Spaces Enhancement Officer

Job Advert PSEO Hire of Public Spaces Enhancement Officer

SWANCC are looking to hire a Self Employed Public Spaces Enhancement Officer to support the practical improvements of the SWAN Area in line with the SWAN Community Plan.

Please review the attached job advert, if you are interested in the position please email the clerk for a job description.

Job Advert PSEO  click on the link to open Job advert.