SWAN CC lobby Ashford Borough Council over policy on front garden and kerbs

Dropped kerbs and use of gardens as parking in South Willesborough and Newtown area

SWAN CC lobby Ashford Borough Council over policy on front garden and dropped kerbs, you can review our letter here.



HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh Book of Condolence

“Following the death of HRH Prince Philip we know that many of you will be wanting to pay tribute to him and offer condolences to Her Majesty The Queen at this sad time.

Our priority remains to keep everyone safe and, due to the current public health guidelines and lockdown restrictions around COVID-19, we will not be providing books of condolences at our buildings.

We would like to encourage you to leave your tributes to The Duke of Edinburgh by signing the book of condolence on the website of The Royal Household.

You can find the book of condolence here

If you are unable to access the online book of condolence you are welcome to send your tribute in writing to the following address;

Tribute to HRH Prince Philip, The Civic Office, Sessions House, County Road, Maidstone ME14 1XQ

The Royal Household has requested that members of the public do not leave floral tributes or gather in public places to offer their respects. The Palace has suggested that people could donate to charity instead, if they wish to do so.”

His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

A statement from the Chair of South Willesborough and Newtown Community Council


South Willesborough and Newtown Council are deeply saddened to learn of the death of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip. The Duke of Edinburgh.

We recognise the faithful service he gave to the Queen and this Country. We offer our sincerest condolences to both the Royal Family and all our residents who will share in the mourning of this great man.

Sue Mullan


South Willesborough and Newtown Community Council

Pose your questions to your local Police Sergeant and PCSO

Flooding in SWAN Area

SWANCC have written to both Environmental Agency and the Stour Internal Drainage Board to raise again the insufficiency of Flood alleviation measures in our area.  The letter can be viewed here and we will update you with the responses.

This was following the recent Resident Cosnultation Survey which highlighted flooding as a very high priority more details to follow on this analysis soon.

Environment Agency Letter Flooding. (1)

SWANCC Calls for expansion of Stour Valley Regional Park

SWANCC were contacted for consultation on the proposed Stour Valley Regional Park.

The Council have responded asking for this to be expanded into Ashford and the SWAN area specifically, our response has  highlighted how our area is key to the Stour Valley area and all the wonderful attributes we have and options to consider which would consequently  improve our Community facilities and services through it – as well as expanding access to nature and the many benefits that has for our Residents and Visitiors alike.  We await repsonse and look forad to seeing how this Consultation develops.  You can read our response here SVRP Consultation Q Jan 2021 2

HGVs on Newtown Road

SWAN CC was alerted that HGVs were heading to Baxendale Court and Alfred Road instead of Waterbrook on Friday night

Clerks quickly contacted KCC to activate signage on the Motorway, Orbital Park Roundabout The Boulevard and Newtown Road. KCC also alerted HMRC.

Covid 19 Secure

We too have been working hard to ensure as a Community Council we are doing all we can to reduce the transmission and spread of the Coronavirus.  We are legally required to publish our risk assessment it can be reviewed here.  Any queries can be emailed to clerk@swancc.org.uk

Risk Assessment Covid 19 Secure (1)

SWAN CC Grants Policy Revised

We have amended our Grants Policy to allow for further small donations and community grants.  Please contact us if you feel we may be able to support your Community projects and contributions.

Many Thanks.

Grant Policy Revised Jan 2021 (1)

Holiday Closure Dates 2020/21